Last known address in Lewis: 5 Valtos
Son of Donald and Catherine Nicolson
Service unit: Royal Naval Reserve, SS Souma
Service number: 4362/SD
Date of death: 30 July 1917 at the age of 28
Ship sunk by U-94
Memorial: Chatham Naval Memorial, panel 26
Village memorial: Uig, Timsgarry
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, West division, panel 3
Ship was sunk northnortheast of Shetland whilst en-route from Lerwick to Archangelsk
Stornoway Gazette tribute
Ailig Ruadh or Alastair Dhomhnaill Aonghais
Last known address in Lewis: 15 Valtos
Son of Donald and Annie Mackay, husband to Christina, father of 3 children
Service unit: Royal Naval Reserve, SS Vedamore
Service number: 2335D
Date of death: 7 February 1917 at the age of 48
Ship sunk by U-85
Village memorial: Uig, Timsgarry
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, West division, panel 3
Survivor from sinking of HMS Hermes. Ship was sunk just off southwestern Ireland whilst inbound from Baltimore to Liverpool
Calum Chaluim Aonghais
Last known address in Lewis: 16 Valtos
Son of Malcolm and Christina Mackay
Service unit: 2nd Cameron Highlanders
Service number: 8917
Date of death: 5 May 1915 at the age of 31
Killed in action in France
Memorial: Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Panel 38 and 40
Village memorial: Uig, Timsgarry
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, West division, panel 3
Eachain Dhomhnaill Mhadson
Last known address in Lewis: 22 Valtos
Also known at 10 Reef
Son of Donald and Annie Matheson
Service unit: 1st Gordon Highlanders
Service number: 238040
Date of death: 16 June 1917 at the age of 23
Killed in action
Interred: Monchy British Cemetery, Monchy-le-Preux, grave I. E. 27
Village memorial: Uig, Timsgarry
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, West division, panel 3
Murchadh Thormoid Mhoir or Murchadh Thormoid Mhurchaidh
Last known address in Lewis: 25 Valtos
Son of Norman and Mary Maciver
Service unit: 13th Canadian Infantry (Quebec Regiment)
Service number: 132654
Date of death: 8 October 1916 at the age of 28
Killed in action in France
Interred: Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont, grave V. D. 30.
Village memorial: Uig, Timsgarry
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, West division, panel 3
Tormod Thormoid Mhoir or Tormod Thormoid Mhurchaidh
Last known address in Lewis: 25 Valtos
Son of Norman and Mary Maciver
Service unit: Royal Naval Reserve, HMS Inconstant
Service number: 3817A
Date of death: 6 February 1915 at the age of 28
Drowned after he was washed overboard
Memorial: Chatham Naval Memorial, panel 14
Village memorial: Uig, Timsgarry
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, West division, panel 3
Quarter-master Serjeant ANGUS MACKAY
Aonghas Uisdean
Last known address in Lewis: 31 Valtos
Son of Hugh and Ann Mackay, married to Christina
Service unit: 1039th MT Coy Royal Army Service Corps
Service number: DM2/097042
Date of death: 7 March 1918 at the age of 49
Died in an accident in Egypt
Interred: Gaza War Cemetery, grave XXXII. B. 3
Village memorial: Uig, Timsgarry
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, West division, panel 3
Master Mariner JOHN MACKAY
Iain Uisdean
Last known address in Lewis: 31 Valtos
Son of Hugh and Ann Mackay
Service unit: Mercantile Marine
Date of death: 31 January 1919 at the age of 47
Died at home
Village memorial: Uig, Timsgarry
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, West division, panel 3
Invalided October 1916 with pulmonary trouble. Was sailing on the Australian Coast and received his Master's Certificate in 1911.

Aonghas Uilleam
Last known address in Lewis: 33 Valtos
Son of William and Isabella McKay
Service unit: 9th Gordon Highlanders
Service number: 3/5459
Date of death: 28 June 1917 at the age of 33
Killed in action in France
Interred: Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, grave XIV. C. 8
Village memorial: Uig, Timsgarry
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, West division, panel 3
Coinneach Dhomhnaill ic Aoidh
Last known address in Lewis: 34 Valtos
Son of Donald and Christy McKay
Service unit: 7th Canadian Infantry (British Columbia Regiment)
Service number: 77351
Date of death: 1 November 1915 at the age of 43
Killed in action in Flanders
Interred: Berks Cemetery extension, grave III. C. 48
Village memorial: Uig, Timsgarry
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, West division, panel 3
Had served as a volunteer in the South African War
31 Valtos, Hugh and Ann Mackay: Angus and John Mackay are/were my great-uncles. I believe that my father, Ian Angus Mackay, was named after his fallen uncles. My grandfather Kenneth Mackay followed older brother Donald after the war to Vancouver, Canada, where both served in the Police Department. My grandmother was Barbara, nee Maciver, of Valtos; she, too, lost a number of brothers in the Great War. I am looking for ways to trace the records of family who served and survived the war. I will be grateful for any advice.
Stephen MacKay
Seattle, USA
Stephen, I think your question is best answered by Uig Historical Society, contact details here:
I have relayed your question to them, and they are waiting to hear from you.
Stephen, I too am related to the MacKays of 31 Valtos. My grandfather was named Norman MacKay and was married to Phyllis Anne Otley or Oxley (can't remember which)who he met whilst hospitalised in England after being injured during WW1. My father Kenneth John was their only child and was born 5th July 1913 and died 30th September 1967 in Australia where he migrated to in 1957. He joined the RAF in 1936 and married a girl from Edinburgh in 1940 named Elizabeth (now deceased 2007). My Dad, Mum, brother sister and I all left Valtos to settle in Australia in 1957. I don't know of any other of my Dad's relatives although there could be some out there. I do know that one of my Grandfather's brothers (and I believe there were around 8 kids in the family) who was called Donald went to Vancouver and became a prominent Police Office there, although I can't substantiate this. I also remember that my Grandfather had 2 other brothers both named John, one extremely older than the other. They were identified as John and Captain John. Once again I'm vague on the history of the MacKay family as Dad died at 54 and no-one really thought of researching his mind for his heritage. (Boy, don't I regret that). I remember my Grandfather, Norman as I was nine when he passed away, that would be around 1952, and I think he was 76 and Phyllis died 9 months later at 77. Both are buried in the cemetery there on the slopes of Cliff Inlet.
Let me know if there's anything else I can help with. The memory's pretty vague but I do remember my Grandfather fondly.
21 September 2012 02:11
My grand father Norman Mackay would also have been one off your great uncles. He was wounded in the first world war and married an English nurse by the name of Phyllis Anne who bore him a son Kenneth John, (my father) in 1913-1967. I lived at 31 Valtos from around 1952-53 till 1957 when we all ( my mother father brother sister and I) set sail for Australia where those of us who are still alive, reside.
Dad was an only child but I can remember him telling me that he had a lot of uncles, although growing up, I never met any of them. I know he told me that one of his uncles (Donald I think) left Scotland and moved to Vancouver where he became prominent in the police force.
I know there were two John's in the family, one was called Captain John to differentiate him from the other John.
So, I can only assume that my Dad was named after his and your grandfather, Kenneth.
Let me know if there's anything I can help you with.
My father served in the RAF from 1936 till 1945, lived in the cottage at Miavaig till his parents desceased and then moved into 31 Valtos till our departure in 1957.
My grand father Norman Mackay would also have been one off your great uncles. He was wounded in the first world war and married an English nurse by the name of Phyllis Anne who bore him a son Kenneth John, (my father) in 1913-1967. I lived at 31 Valtos from around 1952-53 till 1957 when we all ( my mother father brother sister and I) set sail for Australia where those of us who are still alive, reside.
Dad was an only child but I can remember him telling me that he had a lot of uncles, although growing up, I never met any of them. I know he told me that one of his uncles (Donald I think) left Scotland and moved to Vancouver where he became prominent in the police force.
I know there were two John's in the family, one was called Captain John to differentiate him from the other John.
So, I can only assume that my Dad was named after his and your grandfather, Kenneth.
Let me know if there's anything I can help you with.
My father served in the RAF from 1936 till 1945, lived in the cottage at Miavaig till his parents desceased and then moved into 31 Valtos till our departure in 1957.
Dear Joan: I have read your post and am moved beyond words. I asked my father if he knew his uncle Norman and he replied that Norman visited his family in Vancouver in the late 40's, and that his nick-name was 'Non;' Dad's younger brother Norman ( called Skip ) is doubtless named after his uncle. There is so much to talk about: my email is Please feel free to reach out to me.
Stephen MacKay
Mail on it's way.......great to hear from you.....xoxo
You can reach me here -
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