Last known address in Lewis: 2 Carloway
Service unit: 1st Cameron Highlanders
Service number: 3/5611
Date of death: 12 May 1915 at the age of 19
Killed in action at La Bassee
Interred: Bethune Town Cemetery, grave III. C. 56
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 1
Had been at front since October 1914

Last known address in Lewis: 3 Carloway
Service unit: Cameron Highlanders
Service number: 3/3336
Date of death: 22 October 1914 at the age of 29
Interred: Perth Cemetery, China Wall, grave XII. C. 3
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 1
Had 10 years' service with 3rd Camerons, was a month at front when killed
Regimental Sergeant Major DONALD MACKAY
Last known address in Lewis: 6 Carloway
Son of Neil and Christina Mackay,
Service unit: 12th Royal Scots
Service number: 28522
Date of death: 9 April 1917 at the age of 21
Killed in action
Interred: Ste Catherine British Cemetery, grave A. 11.
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 1
Stornoway Gazette tribute
Last known address in Lewis: 6 Carloway
Son of John and Anne McLeod
Service unit: 3rd Seaforth Highlanders
Service number: 3/7297
Date of death: 27 May 1918 at the age of 21
Wounded in 1915 and discharged home, where he died
Interred: Dalmore Cemetery
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 2
Wounded in 1915 and discharged home
Stornoway Gazette tribute
Last known address in Lewis: 8 Carloway
Brother of Duncan MacKenzie
Service unit: 1st Seaforth Highlanders
Service number: 3/7415
Date of death: 10 March 1915 at the age of 34
Killed in action at Neuve Chapelle
Memorial: Le Touret Memorial, Panel 38 and 39
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 2
Had been at the front for 6 months

Last known address in Lewis: 14 Carloway
Son of Malcolm Macleod
Service unit: 3rd Cameron Highlanders
Service number: 3/5612
Date of death: 10 October 1918 at the age of 20
Drowned when SS Leinster was sunk by UB-123 between Holyhead and Dublin
Memorial: Hollybrook Memorial, Southampton,
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 2
Had gone to France at age 16 and was wounded there

Last known address in Lewis: 15 Carloway
Son of Donald and Catherine Macleod
Service unit: 1st Gordon Highlanders
Service number: 3/5624
Date of death: 14 December 1914 at the age of 22
Killed in action in France
Memorial: Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, panel 38
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 2

Last known address in Lewis: 16 Carloway
Son of Malcolm and Margaret Macaulay
Service unit: 16th Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regiment)
Service number: 442021
Date of death: 4 August 1917
Killed in action in France
Interred: Bully-Grenay Communal Cemetery, British extension, grave IV. D. 6
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 1
Stornoway Gazette tribute

Last known address in Lewis: 18 Carloway
Son of Donald and Isabella Mackay
Service unit: B Coy, 2nd Seaforth Highlanders
Service number: 3/6688
Date of death: 25 April 1915 at the age of 24
Killed in action at St Julien
Interred: Seaforth Cemetery, Cheddar Villa, B. 1. (Headstone "A" 68).
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 1
Had joined firing-line in October 1914

Last known address in Lewis: 21 Carloway
Son of Norman and Isabella Macleod
Service unit: 1st Cameron Highlanders
Service number: 3/5292
Date of death: 25 September 1915 at the age of 21
Killed in action in France
Interred: Ninth Avenue Cemetery, Haisnes, Sp. Mem. 41
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 2
Was employed in Glasgow when called up in August 1914
Last known address in Lewis: 25 Carloway
Son of Donald Maciver and Ann Macleod
Service unit: Gordon Highlanders
Service number: 64580
Date of death: 8 August 1921 at the age of 31
Died at home of tuberculosis
Interred: Dalmore Cemetery
Village memorial: Carloway

Last known address in Lewis: 29 Carloway
Son of Donald and Annie MacArthur, of 6, Dalbeg
Service unit: Royal Naval Reserve, HMS Wallington
Service number: 13257/DA
Date of death: 11 December 1918 at the age of 20
Died of pneumonia in RN Hospital, Hull
Interred: Dalmore Cemetery
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 1
Called to Colours at start of war, but discharged as under-age.
Last known address in Lewis: 31 Carloway
Son of Murdo and Mary Macleod
Service unit: 205th Coy, Machine Gun Corps
Service number: 116653
Date of death: 14 April 1918 at the age of 31
Killed in France
Interred: Tannay British Cemetery, Thiennes, Plot 1. Row A.9
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 2
Stornoway Gazette tribute

Last known address in Lewis: 43 Carloway
Son of Malcolm and Marion Macaulay
Service unit: 1st Cameron Highlanders
Service number: 3/5389
Date of death: 16 November 1917 at the age of 21
Killed in action in France
Memorial: Tyne Cot Memorial, Panel 136 to 138
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 1
Previously wounded on 11 November 1914

Last known address in Lewis: 48 Carloway
Service unit: 2nd Seaforth Highlanders
Service number: 3/7336
Date of death: 25 April 1915 at the age of 22
Killed in action at St Julien
Memorial: Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Panel 38
Village memorial: Carloway
Lieutenant JOHN MACKAY
Last known address in Lewis: 48 Carloway
Son of Angus Mackay
Service unit: Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (Eastern Ontario Regiment)
Service number: 1683
Date of death: 3 October 1918 at the age of 30
Died of wounds in France
Interred: Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux, grave IV. D. 9.
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 1
Had served through the South African war and joined the Canadians as a private
Stornoway Gazette tribute

Last known address in Lewis: 48 Carloway
Son of Malcolm and Marion Macleod MacKay
Service unit: 1st Cameron Highlanders
Service number: 6896
Date of death: 8 January 1915 at the age of 34
Killed in action at La Bassee
Memorial: Le Touret Memorial, Panel 41 and 42
Village memorial: Carloway
Lewis War Memorial: Parish of Uig, East division, panel 1
Had served with the Camerons in the South African war and rejoined from Canada in 1914. Served in Egypt with 3rd Seaforth Highlanders.
Hello from Flanders
Maybe I overlooked the man on your site but I found a John McLeod on the website of the CWGC which may not be in your list:
Initials: J
Nationality: Canadian
Rank: Private
Regiment/Service: Canadian Infantry (New Brunswick Regiment)
Unit Text: 44th Bn.
Age: 28
Date of Death: 27/04/1918
Service No: 234905
Additional information: Son of Angus McLeod, of Mill Park, Carloway, Stornoway, Lewis, Scotland.
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead
I also notice that there quite some errors in the list when it comes to geographic reference. Soldiers who are buried in Flemish cemeteries (which is in Belgium) are sometimes mentioned as "In France".
Keep up the good work!
Erwin Ureel
Scottish Memorial in Flanders- campaign
Sorry for the late response. John McLeod was in fact listed under Park Carloway, but was not easily recognisable. There are so many John M(a)cleods in Lewis. He lived at 46 Park Carloway, and I have added your reference to his details. Many thanks.
The geographical references come from the Roll of Honour, which was published in 1921. It is full of inaccuracies like that.
A touching tribute.
A son of Lewis.
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